Const Symbolleistenname = "Eigene Symbolleiste"
Sub Symbolleiste_erstellen()
On Error Resume Next
Dim CB As CommandBar
Dim CBC As CommandBarButton
Set CB = Application.CommandBars(Symbolleistenname)
Set CB = Application.CommandBars.Add(Name:=Symbolleistenname, _
temporary:=False, Position:=msoBarTop)
Set CBC = CB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)
With CBC
.Caption = "Meine Routine"
.OnAction = "MachWas"
.Style = msoButtonCaption
End With
CB.Visible = True
End Sub
Sub Symbolleiste_löschen()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Sub MachWas()
MsgBox "Da bin ich", vbExclamation
End Sub